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Celebrant service for weddings.

Planning a wedding in Devon or elsewhere in the South-West?

You'll be glad to have Sue 'by your side' as your celebrant.

More and more people are deciding that the traditional way for marrying is not for them. The religious ceremony in a church, or the simplistic effect of a registry office does not, for one reason or another, offer what many couples dream of.

A celebrant-led wedding, commitment, civil partnership ceremony is glorious because:

  • the venue can be anywhere: stately home, leafy glade, back garden, boat, beach, overseas etc;

  • no matter what, your own beliefs (or none at all) can be celebrated;

  • all diversity is welcomed;

  • weddings can be themed;

  • there can be as much family and friends' participation (and pets!) as you like;

  • the wedding group can sit, stand, form a circle - anything;

  • anyone can speak with poems, songs, readings; every word spoken will be meaningful;

  • any music can play, at any time, during the service;

  • photographers, children, dogs and doves - the more the merrier;

  • traditions and rituals of unity candles, sand-pouring, hand-fasting, ring-warming can be participated in, and

  • most importantly - you get to say the vows that are meaningful to you both. No one is going to tell you what you have to repeat because of tradition. These will be special words of love and commitment, some of which only your partner will understand (all of which will have your audience shed a little tear no doubt). The real truth laid out, and one that you choose to share with family and friends, in your own way.

How awesome is that?

A religious marriage can have drawbacks because:

  • it must be held at a religious venue;

  • it cannot be held outdoors;

  • it has no real audience participation;

  • it must have religious content;

  • no same-sex marriages can take place;

  • it is restrictive regarding: readings, poems, timing, photography...even confetti, and can become a conveyor belt when there are multiple weddings at the weekend.

A registry office marriage only can have drawbacks because:

  • it can be characterless and bland;

  • it is a short ceremony;

  • sometimes there is limited space for family to attend;

  • there is no religious content (unless wanted);

  • there is no participation for the audience;

  • it can be held in an approved building only, and

  • there will be other couples queuing up, waiting for you to complete.

So, a Celebrant-led wedding can certainly bring a lot of flexibility, support and creativity to your important day. I can also suggest special touches to help make the day especially memorable too, including ideas for rituals that may suit you.

Rituals you might like to include...

Here a few options that can be included in your wedding or re-commitment ceremony:

  • Unity Sand

  • Wine Box / Love Letter

  • Wine Ceremony

  • Broom Jumping

  • Ring Warming

  • Rose Ceremony to Mothers

  • Handfasting/ Hand Wrapping

  • Unity Candle

  • ... and other custom elements are very welcome.


It's understandable that you may be keen to quickly guage the costs associated with booking my celebrant services for your wedding, so this article is here to make that information easy-to-find. However, to fully appreciate the value of the difference I make, you may also wish to visit the following articles first:

> What is a celebrant?

> The benefits of a celebrant to your wedding or recommitment ceremony.

I appreciate the importance of transparency, so scroll on to get a feel for my typical celebrant approach and prices for your wedding...

Wedding ceremony pricing 2025 & 2026.

Each ceremony and script is composed and written for YOU alone; it will be unique.

The process is typically:

Initial interview face-to-face at clients' preferred location

  • An all-inclusive ceremony

  • Composition of bespoke draft ceremony incorporating clients' wishes and requirements

  • Bespoke draft ceremony including full script, readings, poems and music

  • 2nd interview face-to-face

  • Final draft

  • Any required rituals

  • 3rd and final Interview face to face or by Zoom

  • Sign-off by client

  • Couple/group rehearsal at venue if required

  • Celebrant officiates ceremony

  • Copy of script for clients to keep

  • Unlimited support to clients and all those involved with the wedding.

​Fee: £625 (2025), £650 (2026).


  • Travel beyond 20-mile radius from Braunton at 45p per mile

  • Themed outfit

  • Accommodation costs

  • Items used in ceremony that the clients have requested celebrant to purchase on their behalf.

Let's chat it over!

Please feel free to give me a call, even if you're just thinking the idea of a celebration or ceremony over. I'll never push my services and will be honest as to how I can best support you. I may be able to recommend other suppliers from within my network that would be helpful to you too!

Call me: 07837 988120

or email:

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sue: 07837 988120

© 2024 Sue-ByYourSide.

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Sue Denham is a qualified Celebrant helping to create ceremonies relating to a wedding, funeral, baby or child naming or adoption celebration, and more! Highly inclusive and understanding of neurodiversity, including autism; a champion of diversity!

As a registered celebrant, Sue Denham is able to support couples and families in planning their ceremony in Devon, Somerset, Cornwall, Wiltshire and beyond in UK, England. 

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Business Project: Funding gratefully

received from Business Boost 2 

(through North Devon Council)

has supported the training, coaching,

marketing and advertising of

Celebrant Sue by your side.

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